USPS’ second in command to leave in June

Deputy Postmaster General Ronald Stroman, after nine years at the Postal Service and more than 40 years in public service, will resign from the agency on June 1, reports Federal News Network.
According to the USPS filing to the Postal Regulatory Commission, Stroman notified the chairman of the USPS Board of Governors of his decision last Friday.
Earlier that week, the board announced Louis DeJoy as its postmaster general. The week before, former USPS inspector general and vice president of the board, David Williams, announced his resignation.
Following Stroman’s departure, the USPS board will no longer have enough members to reach a quorum. But if that happens, it can delegate authority to a Temporary Emergency Committee, which allows the four remaining Senate-confirmed governors and the postmaster general to engage in all of the board’s normal decision-making.