Swiss Post begins consultation process: 110 full-time jobs to be cut

Swiss Post begins consultation process: 110 full-time jobs to be cut

 Swiss Post  has announced that it will  reduce its  costs by 10%, saving around 42 million francs by 2025 in order to remain competitive. 

Swiss Post can implement a significant proportion of these reductions through material costs. For the remaining amount, it is expected that 110 full-time jobs will need to be cut – principally via natural staff departures and early retirements. Swiss Post has started a consultation process for this, giving employees the opportunity to submit suggestions as to how negative impact on employees could be avoided.

In light of the challenging economic environment, including higher costs, subdued consumer confidence, lower letter volumes and fewer inpayments at branch counters, Swiss Post has stepped up its efforts to further improve efficiency. These measures will contribute to a stable Swiss Post with healthy finances, enabling it to remain competitive. The environment remains challenging due to regulatory requirements. This is why Swiss Post has launched initiatives such as an efficiency programme in Logistics Services management – in addition to the efficiency measures already planned in the strategy. The support function units within Swiss Post Group will now also have to play their part. Specifically, the Finance, Human Resources, Informatics/Technology, Communication and CEO Corporate Services units are involved, as these units are also impacted by inflation. They have to reduce their costs by 10 percent or around 42 million francs a year.

The savings will primarily be made via non-personnel costs and natural staff departures.

The support function units can achieve a significant part of the savings goal by reducing their non-personnel costs and taking measures such as continuing to harmonize their IT systems. However, it is expected that a staff reduction of around 110 full-time equivalents cannot be avoided. This applies exclusively to administrative positions. No mail carriers or staff in branches or sorting centres will be affected. As far as possible, Swiss Post will implement the planned staff reduction via natural fluctuation, early retirements and reductions in employment levels. Swiss Post deeply regrets that there could still be a maximum of 69 redundancies as part of the currently planned efficiency measures. The company will ensure that the staff reduction is as socially responsible as possible and will mitigate any negative impact. In addition, there may be changes to employment contracts for a maximum of 114 employees. The majority of these changes relate to the place of employment, with office space in the Bern area being merged so that it can be used more economically.

Employees can submit comments during a consultation process

Swiss Post informed employees in the support function units of the planned measures in a letter on 9 January 2024. As part of a consultation process, these employees will now have the opportunity to submit suggestions as to how redundancies can be prevented or limited and how the impact could be mitigated. Swiss Post is in regular dialogue with its social partners, the trade union syndicom and the staff association transfair. Implementation of the efficiency measures is planned from March 2024, with any ramifications coming into effect in 2025 at the latest.

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