Swiss Post: a future-oriented and sustainable postal service is key

Further development of universal service obligation necessary
With the ongoing “Swiss Post of tomorrow” strategy, the course is being set for a demand-led service of tomorrow. “Swiss Post, however, also needs to promptly set the course for the Swiss Post beyond tomorrow. To achieve this, the universal service obligation needs to be changed,” explains CEO Roberto Cirillo, adding: “In order to continue meeting our customers’ needs, a future-oriented and sustainable postal service is key.” Chairman of the Board of Directors Christan Levrat adds: “Switzerland needs a strong public service beyond 2030. We have to start developing this now, while also incorporating digitization.” Like the Federal Council, Swiss Post considers it important to adapt the Postal Services Act after 2030.
Bridge between the analogue and digital worlds
Swiss Post welcomes the Federal Council’s proposed amendments to the ordinance with a horizon of 2026. They are an important first step. Swiss Post welcomes the inclusion of the digital letter service in the universal service as a pioneering and central signal. For Swiss Post, a digital private letter box is also part of the universal service obligation. In future, customers will be able to choose whether they want to send and receive their mail digitally (via mobile phone or PC) or physically. “A modern universal service creates a bridge between the analogue and digital worlds,” adds Christian Levrat. In Swiss Post’s view, this means that access to postal services should be guaranteed, but not too rigidly imposed. Customers should be able to freely decide whether they want to use their smartphone or private letterbox, their local branch or the My Post 24 terminal. Even though things will become more digital in future, goods will continue to be transported physically and the need for fast delivery will persist. Roberto Cirillo emphasizes: “We want to continue acting entrepreneurially − and remain a world-leading postal service − for the benefit of the public service for the whole of Switzerland.”
Swiss Post wants to support the population
Swiss Post is further underlining its role as an important driver in digital transformation. Services such as e-voting and the electronic patient record are current examples of this. Swiss Post is confident that its products play an important role in providing the population with digital support – enabling the whole of Switzerland to benefit from digitization to the same degree.