IPU members accept An Post deal

The membership of the Irish Postmasters’ Union (IPU) have voted to accept the terms of the deal concluded between An Post and the IPU on the future of the Post Office Network.
The deal, which was put to the almost 1,000 IPU members following the endorsement of the IPU Executive, was achieved following a three-month mediation.
Under the deal, a new contract will be offered to postmasters which An Post said will “facilitate the development and renewal of the Post Office Network and the expansion of new services”. Additionally, some postmasters who wish to retire will be offered a voluntary severance package. An Post said that there will be no compulsory closures of Post Offices as a consequence of the new deal.
In a statement issued on Friday (11 May), Debbie Byrne, Managing Director of An Post Retail commented:
“ The acceptance of this historic deal between the IPU and An Post is extremely positive and now allows An Post and Postmasters to work together to deliver a sustainable and bright future for the Irish Post Office network and the communities that we jointly service.”
Byrne added: “We look forward to working closely in partnership with postmasters to secure the delivery of an enhanced level of sustainable post office services nationally. The revitalised Post Office will have a focus on three key areas involving ;
- Post offices becoming the backbone of ‘out of home’ e-commerce in Ireland for parcel pickup and drop off with a range of added-value services such as AddressPal, a virtual address for UK & US sites that don’t deliver to Ireland;
- Post offices providing a wider range of community banking & financial services;
- Post offices becoming the One-Stop-Shop for more Government Services.”
Byrne said that, following the acceptance of the IPU ballot, the development of these services and new post office formats will begin immediately and will be implemented over the next three years.