USPS Tests PhotoStamps
The U.S. Postal Service said yesterday that it authorized online stamp vendor, Santa Monica, CA, to market test PhotoStamps, a new PC Postage product that lets customers create postage with their own designs, images and photographs.
The USPS said the stamps could be used in many ways. Pictures of graduates could be placed on stamps for graduation announcements, or babies’ photos could be used on stamps for birth announcements.
PhotoStamps debuted on envelopes and postcards July 22.
The picture postage label measures about 1.4-by-1.8 inches with unique serrations on one side.
The customer’s digital picture fills the left two-thirds of the label. The indicia side contains the familiar Information-based Indicia barcode coated by an invisible florescence, a serial number, security features and the postage value.
Customers have a choice of border colors.
During the test phase, PhotoStamps will be offered in seven full-rate postage values for postcards as well as envelopes of different sizes, ranging from 23 cents to USD3.85.
Earlier this year, the USPS decided against a personalized stamp program. But insiders said deputy postmaster general John Nolan was interested in the concept and working with vendors who would offer software or a Web site that people could use to pay for postage, design their stamps and print them out.