DHL Express launches field test in Deutsche Post retail outlets
The end of October marks the start of a field test for a new DHL Express delivery variant. The target groups are mail recipients rarely at home during the day. With DEPOTSERVICE customers will be able in the future to have their parcels sent to selected Deutsche Post retail outlets instead of to their home address. The recipients are notified via e-mail or SMS once items addressed to them have been received at the retail outlet, and they can then pick up their parcels. In order to use DEPOTSERVICE one must have either an e-mail address or a cellular phone. Also involved is a free, one-time registration, either online or over the phone (0 18 05 / 753 752*). Customers can have their parcels sent to any of the many retail outlets in Münster associated with DEPOTSERVICE – a retail outlet near the workplace, for instance.
The new Münster delivery variant will initially be offered in 17 retail outlets. DEPOTSERVICE should then be expanded to include other retail outlets at a later date. This new service lets customers profit from the longer opening hours of local retailing, to which the retail outlets gear their own opening hours. In this way, picking up parcels on the way home from work will no longer be a problem in the future. Customers can naturally also send parcels and purchase standard Deutsche Post products when picking up their parcels. With its new DEPOTSERVICE, DHL is responding to customers’ changed demands. Products such as DEPOTSERVICE meet consumer requests for more flexibility when it comes to delivering their parcels.
(* 12 ct/min on Deutsche Telekom landline)
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