bpost proposes three new directors

The Board of Directors of bpost proposes three new directors to be appointed by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.
In accordance with its nomination right under Article 14, §2 of the Articles of Association, the Belgian State proposes to the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to appoint Ms. Audrey Hanard as non-executive director for a term of 4 years. As communicated on April 8th 2021, the Belgian State also proposes to renew the mandate of Mr. Jos Donvil as director for a term of 4 years and to appoint Mr. Mohssin El Ghabri as director for a term of 4 years.
Upon recommendation of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee, the Board of Directors of bpost NV/SA proposes to the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of May 12, 2021 to appoint Mr. Jules Noten and Ms. Sonja Rottiers as independent directors for a term of 4 years.
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will be requested to deliberate and resolve upon the appointment of these candidates.
These international and diverse executive profiles offer a great opportunity to further strengthen the overall bpost governance, support the execution of bpost’s strategy and transformation, while creating value for shareholders and society.
Audrey Hanard – Associate Partner at Dalberg Global Advisors, president of Be education, former president of the Friday Group, former manager at Telos Impact
Jules Noten – Independent director at Sioen, Port of Antwerp, LRM and Ardo. Former CEO of a.o. Vandemoortele Group
Sonja Rottiers – EO Lloyd’s Europe, board member for Kinepolis NV Group and Leasinvest Real Estate, board member Women on Board, former Chief Financial and Data Officer and executive board member AXA Belgium
If she is appointed as director, the Board of Directors proposes that Audrey Hanard be appointed as Chairperson immediately after the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.