Poste Italiane plan puts 9,000 workers at risk
Italian trade unions have warned that the 2006-2008 industrial plan of state-owned postal services company Poste Italiane places at risk 9,000 workers, local financial daily Il Sole 24 Ore reported on November 3, 2005.
The reorganisation of the delivery service places at risk some 6,000 postmen and another 3,000 jobs may be cut following closures of dispatch centres, according to the article in the newspaper.
Future problems with overstaff will be solved by the company’s internal restructuring programme, Poste Italiane CEO Massimo Sarmi said.
The trade unions will organise a series of strikes which will begin on November 7, 2005.
[Editor’s note: Poste Italiane ended the first half of 2005 with a consolidated revenue of 4.8 bln euro ($5.794 bln), up 6.5 pct year-on-year, Italy’s ANSA reported on October 4, 2005.] (ANSA).