DHL wants to build seven terminals for Kc1bn in CzechRep
Logistics company DHL wants to build seven new terminals in the Czech Republic by 2008 and invest roughly Kc1bn in the project, DHL CEO for the Czech Republic Jiri Stojar told the weekly Euro.
The new terminals should be built in Ostrava, Olomouc, Prague, Teplice, Plzen, Turnov and between Hradec Kralove and Pardubice.
DHL management also announced the company bought a 100 percent stake in PPL CZ, the largest private Czech company involved in express parcel delivery services and focused on customers in the segments of IT and the pharmaceutical and electronics industries.
If approved by the anti-monopoly office UOHS, the acquisition will be completed in the first quarter of 2006. The parties involved refused to disclose the financial terms of the contract.
DHL is a unit of Deutsche Post World Net.