Austrian Post: agreement reached in salary negotiations

After several rounds of negotiations, the management and the Union of Postal and Telecommunications Employees (GPF) agreed on a 10% increase in the salaries of employees subject to the 2009 collective bargaining agreement (KV-neu) and by 9.8% for service regulations and civil servants’ salaries as well as special contract salaries.
The percentage increase will take effect from 1 January 2024. For the months of July to December 2023, each full-time employee will receive a tax-free inflation premium of 300 euros per month, a total of 1,800 euros, as a net payment – part-time employees in an aliquot amount. The apprentice allowance will be increased by 10% from 1 January 2024. In addition, for apprentices who are subject to the KV-neu Part 1, an alignment of the apprenticeship allowance with the KV-neu Part 2 is agreed. This results in a percentage increase of between 22.14 and 34.6% for apprentices who are subject to the new KV Part 1. For the months of July to December 2023, apprentices will receive a tax-free inflation premium of 100 euros per month, a total of 600 euros, as a net payment. Ancillary fees and allowances will be increased by 9.8% from 1 January 2024. The shift allowance will be increased by 15.2% from 1 August 2023. These increases are subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board and the GPF Federal Executive Board until June