USPS to Establish Mail Growth Incentives

The U.S. Postal Service has filed notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) requesting approval to make certain Mail Classification Schedule (MCS) changes to establish two Mail Growth Incentives – a First-Class Mail Growth Incentive and a Marketing Mail Growth Incentive.
If approved, the incentives will run from Jan. 1, 2024 through Dec. 31, 2024.
The First-Class Mail and Marketing Mail Growth Incentives are being offered to mail owners to promote volume growth in 2024 and into the future.
These two incentives will drive mail owners to increase the volume of First-Class and Marketing mail entering the network while providing them lower overall postage costs on incremental growth — allowing mail owners to maximize total return on investment, by providing additional cost-savings and strengthening the value of mail.
This effort supports the Postal Service’s 10-Year Delivering for America plan to achieve financial stability and service excellence, through bold approaches — working with industry to promote the use of mail to grow volume and revenue.
Information on the eligibility requirements to participate in the First-Class Mail and Marketing Mail Growth Incentives will be posted on PostalPro.