Austrian Post: more than 5,400 parcels donated to children in poverty

For more than ten years, the Samaritan Association and Austrian Post have been running their successful Christmas campaign, in which gift packages can be sent free of charge to children affected by poverty.
This year, too, the campaign has met with great interest: so far, Austrians have donated over 5,400 gifts, of which around 3,400 self-assembled parcels were posted directly at the post office.www.shoepping.at/c/spiele-spielzeug/pakete-fuer-s-christkind until 18 December.
Donations via shöpping, the online marketplace of Austrian Post, are also particularly popular. There, you can choose from eight age-appropriate children’s packages, each worth 40 euros. shöpping, Spielzeugwelt Graz and Austrian Post take care of the packaging and free delivery directly to the Samaritan Association, which then hands over the parcel to a child. “The willingness of Austrians to donate is overwhelming! As of today, more than 2,000 parcels have already been donated via shöpping, which is more than twice as many as last year. As a family man, I am personally pleased when we can work together to help ensure that even more children in Austria can celebrate a happy Christmas,” says Robert Hadzetovic, Managing Director of shöpping. The Christmas packages for children between the ages of 0 and 12 can be ordered and donated directly to