Poste Italiane has approved preliminary results for the fourth quarter and the full year of 2023, with revenues up 5% to €11.99 billion.
Most notably these results featured:
FY-23 Revenues Up 5% Y/Y To €11.99bn – Driven By Payments And Financial Services
Breakeven For MP&D in FY-23, Ahead Of Previous Guidance
Positive Retail Net Flows – Growth In Investments And Insurance, With Stable Retail Deposits
Record High EBIT At €2.62bn (+9% Y/Y) – 2.5x 2017 Ebit – Further Supported By Cost Discipline
Net Profit At €1.93bn Corresponding To An Eps Of €1.48, +22% Y/Y
Record High EBIT At €2.62bn – Proposed Dividend Increase To €0.80 (+23% Y/Y) For FY-23
A Strong Baseline To The 2024-28 Strategic Plan To Be Announced On March 20
Commenting on Poste Italiane’s achievements, Matteo Del Fante, Poste Italiane Chief Executive Officer and General Manager stated: “I am very proud of our employees for their commitment and enthusiasm and together we have built strong foundations. We are Italy’s leading client-focused platform company, serving the needs of Italians both physically through our extensive post office branch network and PuntoPoste touch points as well as virtually through our vast digital presence. Poste Italiane is poised to embrace the future, leveraging the strengths of our results and the resilience of our business, supported by our strategic vision which has been proven correct. I am sure that we will continue to evolve and deliver excellence to all our stakeholders and we will be presenting on March 20 our new 2024-2028 plan ushering in the next stage of Poste Italiane’s growth story”.