Postwatch response to DTI’s post office closure proposals
On 14 December 2006 the DTI launched its consultation on rationalising the current post office network. The consultation proposed funding the closure of 2,500 post offices throughout the UK. Postwatch has today submitted its response, which includes 99 recommendations.
The Postwatch response can be viewed at www.postwatch.co.uk under policy documents. The executive summary sets out Postwatch’s key recommendations.
Millie Banerjee, Chair of Postwatch, said: “We had to submit a detailed response, with many recommendations, because the DTI failed to explain the thinking behind its proposals. The DTI did not answer even such basic questions as how they arrived at the figure of 2,500 closures, why they proposed the access criteria set out in the consultation and how they plan to avoid additional unplanned closures. We have had to say so much because the DTI said so little.
“The weaknesses of the consultation may actually have made contributors think harder and could lead to a better set of decisions. Whether this happens is now up to DTI ministers. They must consider and respond fully to the complex and important issues that have been raised by us and others.
“We all want the DTI’s decision document to be a thorough, well thought out piece of work. It must unambiguously explain to customers and their representatives how and why the pain ahead will eventually result in a viable and sustainable, if somewhat smaller, nationwide network of post offices that provides reasonable access for all.
“DTI Ministers have said their decision will be made within 3 weeks. This could give the impression, perhaps wrongly, that decisions have already been taken. But it is, of course, the quality of the decision, not the speed at which it is made, that counts. Ministers will need to demonstrate that they have given the many hundreds of responses the careful consideration they deserve.”
Notes to Editors
1. The DTI’s consultation document, ‘The Post Office Network’, can be viewed at www.dti.gov.uk
2. The closing date for comments was today, 8 March.
3. On 23 February, in response to a parliamentary question from Alistair Carmichael, Jim Fitzpatrick confirmed that by 19 February the DTI had already received 367 responses to its consultation.
4. On 1 February, in response to a parliamentary question from Hywel Williams, Jim Fitzpatrick said, “Government will then consider responses with a view to making an announcement by the end of March 2007.”
More information
Please contact Andy Frewin on 020 7259 1223 or 07900 263 004 or
Daryl Barrett on 020 7259 1239 or 07900 263 020.