Pitney Bowes launches website for USPS rate changes

Pitney Bowes Inc., the mailstream technology company, has launched a website to guide mail operators and marketers through the newly-announced US Postal Service rate changes. Located at www.pbpostalinfo.com and at www.PitneyBowes.com, Pitney Bowes offers the tools, terms and tips that reduce costs and maximize opportunities in the new postal rate environment.

The 2007 USPS rate change focuses on the shape and size of mail pieces. This is especially important for firms that send high volumes of transactional mail such as financial and insurance statements, and for direct mailers of postcard offers, catalogues and credit card offers. Nuances in how mail operators and marketers optimize their mailstream can mean millions of dollars in both savings and revenue.

A recent Pitney Bowes survey of more than 500 business executives nationwide indicated that 79% of respondents are unaware of the changes in postal rates and regulations. This widespread lack of knowledge about an important business event cuts across all organizational sizes and all regions of the country.

The Pitney Bowes website features a custom rate change interactive tool that helps mailers and marketers determine areas of impact so they may adapt their mail operations according to the new USPS rates. In addition to direct links to the USPS official site, Pitney Bowes adds ongoing news, facts and educational information that quickly and clearly outline tips and advice for mailers and marketers.

“Due to the changing postal environment, U.S. firms have an immediate opportunity to reduce costs and increase revenues by optimizing the mailstream,” said Mike Monahan, Executive Vice President and President, Global Mailing Solutions and Services. “This enterprise-wide endeavor will quickly become a C-suite priority with the 2007 USPS rate change.”

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