Business: TNT explodes into records management
Business: TNT explodes into records management
From BIRMINGHAM POST, January 16th, 2001
Delivering results: Data Depot sold to parcel carrier Ken Grundy, left, former boss of Data Depot, and Bob Black of parcel
carrier TNT of Atherstone celebrate TNT’s purchase of the records management
company. Data Depot of Nottingham will become part of TNT’s data-management
division, a pounds 100 million business providing mailroom management and
internal mail solutions. Mr Black, divisional managing director of TNT
specialist services, said many of TNT’s clients had requested help with
record-management. ‘The demand is strong in the financial services sector where millions
of customers expect banks and insurance companies to deal quickly with
requests for information.’ The mail services business was started five years ago and it now has a
turnover of more than pounds 30 million. The expansion into records management is expected to see further rapid
growth. tntBIRMINGHAM POST, 16th January 2001