ARCEP Chair Paul Champsaur presentation in the French National Assembly
In a speech before the Committee on Economic Affairs of the French National Assembly Paul Champsaur, ARCEP Chair, said he is happy with the political compromise on postal liberalization reached by the EU as it safeguards the universal service and leaves posts ample time to prepare. Mr. Champsaur added that he is confident that La Poste will have completed its transformation by 2011 and will be able to withstand competition when the market is fully liberalized on 1 January 2011, especially in an environment where competition is expected to grow at a slow pace. While Mr. Champsaur hopes that financial compensation for the universal service burden will not be needed, he affirms that principles of a compensation fund will be worked out with stakeholders in the meantime, in case such a funding mechanism is required. In addition, Mr. Champsaur said the progressive steps that key neighboring countries took before they fully opened up their market – UK first liberalized bulk mail, Germany first liberalized added value items, and direct mail had long been liberalized in the Netherlands – helped competitors and other stakeholders, such as mailing houses, better prepare for full liberalisation. In response to a question put by MPs, Champsaur says that the possibility of fully opening up the direct mail market before 2011 “should be studied”.