Decisions on Kent Post Office Branches Announced
Post Office Ltd today announced decisions on the future of Post Office® branches across Kent, following a six week public consultation ending on 12 November. Post Office® services will be provided through a network of 295 branches, which supports the national accessibility criteria introduced by the Government and ensures that 99 pct of the county’s population will either see no change to their existing branch or will remain within one mile (by road distance) of an alternative branch.
The plan confirmed today means that 56 branches will close in Kent, with the first closures scheduled to take place in January. These branches were detailed in the Area Plan proposal published on 2 October 2007.
Two branches originally proposed for closure – Cliff’s End in Ramsgate and Hawkhurst – will now remain open following a review of the issues raised during consultation and of factors relating to geography, the availability of local transport and access to alternative branches, local demographics and the impact on local economics.
At Cliff’s End, having taken into account local feedback, Post Office Ltd was concerned that alternative branches were not sufficiently easy to reach and that the viability of the branch’s retail business, which provided a critical service for the community, would be threatened. In Hawkshurst, further review during consultation demonstrated the difficulties that customers would face reaching an alternative branch further from the main shopping area of the village.
Additionally, as a result of the information provided during the six week public consultation process, improvements will be made to 18 branches in Kent to improve accessibility, particularly for customers with disabilities, or to increase capacity by providing additional counter positions.
These decisions have been reached after consultation and Postwatch, the consumer body representing Post Office® customers, has verified the correct consultation procedures were followed. Postwatch has confirmed that it will not ask for any decision to be further reviewed by Post Office Ltd.