Ciblex has seen significant growth in its income.
Ciblex completed its accounts for the tax year on 30 June 2007 and posted another year of growth both in turnover and income. This growth shows the long term value of the strategy adoopted by Ciblex, built on:
– A targeted position and development in niche markets in which Ciblex delivers tailored
– A quality policy which produces performances which our customers perceive to be superior to those of the competition.
– A loyal, competent, motivated team.
Good results from the group and the various national units…
– Ciblex France: Turnover up by 6.8 pct at EUR 134.6 million (on an operating income of EUR 1,034 million).
This last figure should be put in the context of the negative impact of the new regulations restricting the speed of heavy goods vehicles to 90km/h, effective from 1 January 2007.
This has complicated the operations, leading to extra structural costs.
– Ciblex Belgium: excellent performance with TO of EUR 18.5 million up + 6.3 pct (and operating income of EUR 2,774 million ).
– Ciblex Netherlands: subsidiary created in October 2004, achieved TO of EUR 1,970 million , up 116 pct (and operating income of EUR 323 000 , in balance in the previous year).