3 New Direct Marketing Associations join FEDMA Membership
FEDMA has increased its DMA membership by welcoming three new national Direct Marketing Associations from Croatia, Latvia and Turkey.
The adherence of these three DMAs demonstrates how FEDMA remains the unique voice of the European direct and interactive marketing industry attracting new markets within Europe and beyond.
By joining FEDMA, the Croatian, Latvian and the Turkish DMA will work closely with both FEDMA and the other 25 DMAs in FEDMA membership at an international level in order to protect, promote and inform the industry.
“We are delighted to welcome the Croatian, Latvian and the Turkish DMA into FEDMA Membership. Although they are located in very different countries, each DMA has similar challenges and opportunities since they are all in a new, but growing, DM markets. Together with our other DMAs and members, FEDMA will promote, inform and protect the industry, which are the three pillars of our mission statement” said Alastair Tempest, Director General of FEDMA.