Correos includes environmental sustainability as a corporate value
Correos is promoting an environmental sustainability and good practices strategy, both in its direct activities and by means of agreements and contracts signed with its partners and technology allies in all spheres of its activities, which will considerably boost its Corporate Social Responsibility policy. With this strategy, the postal operator makes a clear commitment to reducing CO2 emissions, in both its own activities and those carried out by the businesses it works with.
In its last Board of Directors meeting, held on 30 May, Correos adopted the agreement that formally includes environmental sustainability as a corporate value and as an urgent and general application principle. The Spanish postal operator will apply the strategies for the future defined by the IPC (International Post Corporation) in its recent meeting in Paris, the main strategic pillar of which urges the postal sector to design specific plans that reduce its emissions and represent a significant contribution to sustainability.
With this initiative, Correos seeks to position itself at the forefront of the fight against climate change and will contribute to meeting the environmental impact reduction objective set by Global Compact, the world-wide pact promoted by the UN, and signed by Correos, to foster best social practices among businesses.
Correos is promoting an environmental sustainability and good practices strategy, both in its direct activities and by means of agreements and contracts signed with its partners and technology allies in all spheres of its activities, which will considerably boost its Corporate Social Responsibility policy. With this strategy, the postal operator makes a clear commitment to reducing CO2 emissions, in both its own activities and those carried out by the businesses it works with.
In its last Board of Directors meeting, held on 30 May, Correos adopted the agreement that formally includes environmental sustainability as a corporate value and as an urgent and general application principle. The Spanish postal operator will apply the strategies for the future defined by the IPC (International Post Corporation) in its recent meeting in Paris, the main strategic pillar of which urges the postal sector to design specific plans that reduce its emissions and represent a significant contribution to sustainability.
With this initiative, Correos seeks to position itself at the forefront of the fight against climate change and will contribute to meeting the environmental impact reduction objective set by Global Compact, the world-wide pact promoted by the UN, and signed by Correos, to foster best social practices among businesses.
With this corporate agreement, Correos is going to introduce best social practices in its activity. From now on, a positive appraisal will be considered in all tender specifications for specific actions included by the bidders in their proposals that signify added environmental protection.
This additional appraisal will also be applied to contracts with initiatives or implementation procedures that represent social improvements, such as favouring the defence of childhood and the insertion of the disabled and immigrants, or those that contribute towards eradicating inequality between men and women and gender violence or aid in the fight against unemployment.
Likewise, the national postal operator has revised its contracting procedures to adapt them to the Public Sector Contract law, which was enacted at the beginning of May.