Deutsche Post to expand automatic parcel delivery in deal with Aldi
Deutsche Post World Net AG. is planning to hike the number of its automatic parcel delivery stations in Germany to 2,500 from a current 1,000 by the end of 2009, also using stores of retailer Aldi, Focus reported in an article to be published tomorrow, citing no sources.
The total investment is seen at 20 million to 30 million euros, Focus added, with several hundred stations to be installed in Aldi stores.
Deutsche Post World Net AG. is planning to hike the number of its automatic parcel delivery stations in Germany to 2,500 from a current 1,000 by the end of 2009, also using stores of retailer Aldi, Focus reported in an article to be published tomorrow, citing no sources.
The total investment is seen at 20 million to 30 million euros, Focus added, with several hundred stations to be installed in Aldi stores.