Eastern Europe Postal Operators Takes Part in ACTIN
Romanian Post announces that this week sees the start of the ACTIN project with session communications focusing on quality of service.
ACTIN stands for Acquis Communautaire Training Initiative. The project aims to help prepare eastern european postal operators for the changes to internal markets as a result of postal liberalisation and in particular, competition. ACTIN is supported by the European Commission under its BSP2 Business Support Programme, a part of the PHARE initiative, and is coordinated by PostEurop (the Association of European Public Postal Operators), in cooperation with FEDMA and IPALMO (an Italian Research Institute).
The main beneficiaries are said to be Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia and Turkey. The Pro Actin goal is to help operators adapt their business practices so they can compete successfully in the enlarged Union. The project works on a “training the trainers” model; this means that the people who benefit directly from the ACTIN training sessions will be able to go back to their home countries and businesses and pass on the knowledge they have acquired.
The seminar is supported by Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal and the Slovak Republic. Romanian Post was nominated to host the ‘quality of service’ seminar.
The event runs from September 2-4, is conducted under the aegis of two major organizations: the European Commission represented by Mr. Denis Sparas, Project Manager and PostEurop Represenative Mr Ingemar Persson, general secretary of PostEurop.