UPS and Hewlett-Packard team up for paperless labels
USPS will use the sp400 on a package to simplify the loading process for the last leg of the package’s journey to its destination. The wireless HP device is worn on the back of the hand.
The sp400 (a wireless device developed by HP) will be used to replace a label UPS places on a package to simplify the loading process for the last leg of the package’s journey to its destination in one of the company’s iconic brown vans.
UPS said that it is already using the sp400 device at 41 of its package centers around the United States and by the middle of 2009 expects to be using it to process 1.5 million packages daily and 3.1 million a day by 2010. The Atlanta-based company ships an average of around 15 million packages a day.
Once the product is fully deployed, UPS expects to save 1,338 tons of paper annually.Though the device will save UPS money and a fair amount of paper, which the company touted as also being good for the environment, it will be another small blow for the paper industry.