Correos on track with Post Office accessibility plans
Correos says it has completed around 96% of its modernisation plans scheduled to take place between 2005 and 2008.
Correos says it has completed around 96% of its modernisation plans scheduled to take place between 2005 and 2008.
The plan includes a total of 1,423 activities designed to improve accessibility and the quality of the postal service in Spain.
The total investment, once complete, is expected to be in excess of 551.4m Euros which includes the purchase and upgrading of premises to improve accessibility and general improvements to sorting and distribution centers.
Correos said that in the early planning stages, more than 50% of postal offices had been identified as having problems in terms of physical accessibility and that it has over the last four years upgraded most post offices to ensure they comply with the laws relating to Universal Accessibility. It said the upgrading of post offices to improve access had been a high priority.
In addition, accessibility had been further supported by improvements to it’s online presence which now boasts a whole range of products and services that can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.