GCC Posts discuss future
A recent Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) postal corporations’ meeting saw the discussion of several critical issues facing the industry. The meeting, held in Oman, and underlined the need for greater co-operation among GCC postal organisations.
The other issues that came up for discussion included participation in international exhibitions under the banner of GCC Postal Group, centralising the procurement process and restructuring the organising of stamp exhibitions in GCC countries.
The meeting was attended by representatives from the Arab League and different postal organisations from GCC countries.
The Emirates Post delegation included Salem Al Shaya, assistant CEO, Emirates Post and Khalid Al Doukhi from the International Relations section.
“Emirates Post has always strived to boost co-operation among the different postal organisations in the GCC. This meeting once again enabled us to review common projects and set time-lines for their completion. The meeting served to highlight the common objectives and goals of GCC posts,” said Salem Al Shaya.
Alongside the meeting, Oman Post in co-operation with the Arab League organised the ’15th GCC Stamp Exhibition’ in Muscat.