European Postal Services
An emerging pan-European postal market with major postal companies competing with each other in all segments of the postal market.
The proposal:
opening a further 20% of USPs revenue from 2003
maximum reservable area set to 50gr/2.5times the basic tariff for all correspondence (16%)
opening outgoing cross-border mail to competition (3%)
Remove price limit on express mail 1%
Further market opening from 2007
degree of market opening to be decided after review
Accompanying measures
special services, redress procedures, cross-subsidies, access to the network.
Benefits of market opening:
adaption to market requirements
provision of the universal service
develop the structure of employment
The question is no longer to know if liberalisation is needed but how to make it happen.
The question is no longer to know if liberalisation is needed but what the time schedule will be.