Groupe La Poste seeks to improve the energy performance of the mail division’s new facilities by 50%
The Mail division and Poste Immo fixed the rules which will apply to the newly built facilities, enabling to achieve a level of energy performance improved by 50% compared with the current statutory reference (RT2005). This 50% energy efficiency corresponds to the current standard Bâtiment à Basse Consommation (BBC) (energy-saving Building) and enables to anticipate the future RT2012 thermal regulation and, more generally, the future market standards.
This initiative improves the environmental quality of the new buildings by reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and energy consumption. The new buildings will also be equipped with meters to measure the energy performances of the various spending categories: lighting, heating, air conditioning, ventilation and domestic hot water, etc.
From 2011, the first three energy-saving certified mail preparation and delivery platforms in La Manche region will be inaugurated within the framework of a green lease, the first one of the kind for this type of buildings within La Poste Group.