Capgemini launches Postal Innovation Study
Capgemini has launched the first global Postal Innovation Study to gain an insight into the modernisation process throughout the mail industry. A rise in e-substitution and declining mail volumes are forcing companies to place heavy emphasis upon technological advancement, with innovation now vital to each and every business.
The Study will provide a comprehensive analysis of innovative trends, including: objectives of innovation; expected influential innovations; and management process of innovation.
Dirk Palder, vice president at Capgemini, said: “Posts are more innovative than people are aware of. Many companies have great ideas but don’t know how to take their innovations to market; we want to find out where the process is broken. The results will show us how we can be better than in the past, this will ensure top level growth and higher margins.
“Innovation over the next ten years is vital. Without new ideas our industry will be surpassed by other innovations. We believe that in order to survive, postal companies will need to innovate and we have decided to initiate an annual study about innovations in the industry. Our objective is to challenge the status quo with our hypotheses and to promote thought provoking discussions about how to become a champion.”
If you would like to participate in the study, please contact Capgemini’s Jessica Ruecker at: LogisticsLab.de@capgemini.com. You will be sent a link to the questionnaire and a password.
Capgemini is sponsoring the Innovation Award at the World Mail Awards 2010 in Copenhagen on 15 June. For more information on the event, click here.
In addition to the World Mail Awards, Capgemini will hold an Executive Workshop by invitation only, where they will present the finding out of the study. By interest, please contact Dirk Palder via: dirk.palder@capgemini.com