DHL Global Mail launches hybrid service
DHL Global Mail has launched a new service called “Global Hybrid Print & Mail,” which combines advantages of electronic and traditional mail to make international mailing more efficient. With this service, companies that mail documents such as invoices and statements overseas can stop expending the resources to print them internally. Instead, customers electronically send the data for their mailings to Global Mail, which presorts it and prepares ready-to-print files. The documents are then printed as close as possible to their destinations and inserted into the local mail stream. This process, which Global Mail coordinates with printing and fulfillment partners worldwide, significantly reduces delivery times and postage costs. In addition to transactional mail, direct marketing pieces can also be sent using Global Hybrid Print & Mail.
Having mail pieces printed nearer to their destinations not only reduces transit times and postage costs, but also helps companies avoid delays caused by events disrupting international transportation.
The company announced that Global Hybrid Print & Mail delivery was not at all delayed when much of Europe’s airspace was recently closed by ash from an Icelandic volcano eruption.
Additionally, reducing the distance mail is transported by air and road in this way cuts CO2 emissions-by up to 80% per letter compared with the traditional model of local printing and global distribution, according to some scientists.
“Global Hybrid Print & Mail streamlines international mailing, enabling companies to cut their printing and postage costs while accelerating delivery,” said Lee Spratt, CEO of DHL Global Mail – Americas. “It’s also one more way Global Mail promotes climate protection.”