USPS launches catalogue campaign
USPS is reaching out to e-tailers with a campaign showcasing the power of catalogues. The campaign, according to the organisation, will illustrate “the potential to double online transactions and achieve revenue lift of over 100% by creating print extensions of their Internet shopping websites”.
“Getting Started in Catalogues” is a USPS promotional campaign featuring a “Catalogues and e-tailing” instructional DVD and a live webinar series taking place this summer. The DVD features testimonials from widely recognised companies such as Dell and Zappo’s, who built their businesses into market leaders within their respective industries by adding catalogues to the marketing mix.
“Putting a focused, attractive catalogue in the hands of your customers has a unique ability to engage their attention, and prompts them to browse your site and place orders,” said Steve Hernandez, acting vice president, Sales. “For e-tailers looking to push their sales to the next level, catalogues are a proven medium for delivering transactions and enhancing customer loyalty.”