Toll achieves AEO accreditation
Toll Global Forwarding’s Netherlands operations have successfully gained Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) accreditation. The move follows extensive vetting for customs compliance, financial solvency, and the operation of appropriate security and safety standards.
The AEO concept is an EU-harmonised accreditation regime, under which applicants are strenuously audited before being granted AEO status. Certificates are issued for either Customs Simplifications or Security and Safety; Toll’s Netherlands operations have achieved AEO status under both headings. The AEO concept is expected to be adopted eventually by other countries outside the EU.
AEO status is intended to offer participants a number of benefits such as reduced incidence of theft and loss in transit, improved security and enhanced communication with other elements of the supply chain. By providing businesses with a universally-recognized quality standard, AEO status is also intended to foster greater customer confidence. In the longer term, access to certain simplifications in customs procedures (such as guarantee waivers and centralised clearance) may be restricted to AEOs, and the possession of AEO status is expected to make it easier for businesses to apply to use such simplifications throughout the EU.
Victor Wever, Toll Global Forwarding’s managing director Netherlands, said: “The application process took a year, but in these highly-competitive times, any effort and investment that results in a further business advantage is worthwhile.
“We are already ISO 9001:2008t accredited, so this simplified and eased the application process for us. Any agent who does not already have these standards, or an equivalent, in place could find the AEO application very onerous. We are pleased to have attained this recognition, which will assist us in winning more business from larger organisations, where such quality assurance indicators are particularly valued.”