La Poste finalises the acquisition of Delta Diffusion (a large unaddressed mail delivery operator) from Comareg
February 12, 2002 1:45 AM EST
Feb 12, 2002, (Les Echos /FT Information via COMTEX) — French postal services operator La Poste announced yesterday that it has signed a definitive agreement concerning the acquisition of Delta Diffusion, the distribution subsidiary of Comareg. Mediapost, a subsidiary of La Poste specialising in advertising, is to take 100 per cent control of Delta Diffusion, while Comareg will gain control of 33 per cent of Mediapost.
The merger project was put forward in May last year, and was accepted conditionally by competition authorities in August. Delta Diffusion posted net losses of close to 12.2m euros in 2000, while Mediapost posted a profit of under 2m euros. The two groups are expected to complete their merger before the summer, but will act independently before joining their activities together at the beginning of 2003.
Earlier announcement
Source: Postal Insight From: 16 / 5 / 2001
Dutch post operator TNT will launch its Delta international mail joint venture with partners Consignia and Singapore Post in July, a TNT senior executive said on Wednesday. ‘We will be live on July 1,’ international mail chief executive officer Theo Jongsma told the World Mail and Express conference. Delta will be the world’s largest business mailing partnership with a turnover of 450 million euros ($395 million) and operating in 200 countries