TNTs Centrepoint hub opens
Kingsbury Link, Tamworth is the centrepoint for the coni— pany’s ‘hub and spoke’ U K collection and delivery i etwork.
The site will run in tandem with ‘I’NTs existing parcel d istribution centre at
Atherstone and, according to
TNT Services MD Tom
Bell. will bring major benefits to customers: “The new hub means we can provide a better service to the 50 main TNT depots that serve ti e se customers throughout the U K by processing mo re
parcels, more quickly and more accu rately
TNT believes the hub gives them a competitive advantage as it shortens the sortation process. The shorter process enables the company to deliver spare car
palEs to H Ivundai and Nissan between 1 am and 8am, or over
the border into Scotland first thing in the morning.
The hub should enable the company to cope more comfortably with seasonal surges’ such as at Christmas.
“There may seem nothing extraordi nary about moving parcels from A to B. But to work to the tightest deadlines, to consistently
recover time for our customers and to thread complex processes into seamless operations requires a powerful com bination of skilled j)eople and finely tuned equipment.” says Bell, “TNT is once again engineering more time out of the express delivery process and this new huh) is a major springboard for our projected growth in tile next two decades.”