Brand Rex appoints Securicor to provide a Europe-wide palletised service
Brand Rex, structured cabling systems supplier, has appointed Securicor Omega Connect to provide a Europe-wide range of palletised services. Omega Connect distributes Brand Rex consignments ranging from 50kg to full truck loads of cabling hardware and equipment across the UK and Europe.
The agreement incorporates a dedicated in-house distribution function at Brand Rex’s head office site in Glenthornes, Scotland, from where shipping request are managed
Omega Connect makes daily collections from Brand Rex’s sites which include Glenrothes, Helby, Leigh, and Harlow. Domestic goods are then transported to Connect depots, from where deliveries are carried out on a next day delivery. All European deliveries are shipped via Connect’s extensive palletised Eurapid and Euroconnect services all within 48 hours to Brand Rex’s customer. As port of the agreement, Brand Rex will also use Omega Express’ pre-lOam Diamond service for all urgent next day parcel deliveries within the UK.
John Miller, managing director of Omega Connect, says, “the contract award was a direct result of Connect’s strength and ability to provide Brand Rex with the required one-stop shop concept which incoporates a truly integrated European distribution solution.”