Peter Somers to leave bpost.
Peter Somers, member of the Group Executive Management and responsible for the Parcels & International business unit, is leaving bpost on 31 July.
For 13 years Peter Somers has successfully focused on developing bpost’s international mail and parcels business in Europe, the USA and the Far East. Later he was also given the responsibility for the Parcels division in Belgium.
Pending the decisions on the future organisation of these activities after the departure of Peter Somers, Kurt Pierloot will take charge of the International business alongside his responsibility for Mail Services Operations. The Parcels division will report directly to the CEO.
In an internal statement CEO Koen Van Gerven thanks Peter Somers for his efforts and achievements. He wishes him every success in his future career and is happy that Peter will keep ties to bpost as a member of the Board of bpost International NV.