EC supports pan-European online store for “local” food and products

The European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development is reportedly supporting a new Netherlands-based start-up project that aims to launch an online store for typical “local” food and products from all over Europe. The website, MoreforLocal, is scheduled to go live at the end of this year and will launch in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France.
The European Parliament has reportedly approved a proposal to provide EUR 398,000 funding for the project, which is led by Netherlands-based Nico Bebseler, who owns an online organic grocery store.
Bebsler told the Dutch e-commerce news provide Twinkle magazine: “It will be a facilitating platform. We take care of the financial flows and logistics. That’s something we can’t let the small producers do.
“We offer them an extra sales channel outside of the region, because all European consumers should be able to order products from this website.”