Parcel delivery startup looking for crowdfunding

A new company claims it is looking for crowdfunding investment for a parcel delivery app. In a statement issued yesterday (15 September), the app’s originator Bauyrzhan Karymsakov said his “Takebs” app “promises to be the world’s fastest method of delivering parcels” and will, for example, “ensure the delivery of a parcel from New York to London in about seven hours”.
This time frame will sound familiar to anyone who regularly catches a transatlantic commercial flight – and that is not just a coincidence. The idea behind “Takebs” is that it hooks up people who want to send parcels to a particular destination, with the people who are travelling that way on an airplane. So it is a bit like On My Way, but with wings.
Getting Takebs off the ground, however, will not be easy. At the very least, there will be significant security issues – for the customer, the courier, the airline and all the other passengers onboard the plane.
Karymsakov, who describes himself as a filmmaker from Almaty, has launched a campaign for investment on the Indiegogo.com crowdfunding website. He has a $150,000 funding goal – but had not yet raised any funding when Post&Parcel checked his campaign page.
The Takebs website, http://www.takebs.com, did not appear to be working when we tried to access it today and Karymsakov’s personal website was very low on content.