Royal Mail wins London Boroughs postal service contract

Royal Mail has won a three year contract to handle all 27 London Boroughs postal services for the second time. In a statement sent to Post&Parcel today (3 October), Royal Mail said that the contract was awarded after a competitive tendering process by the London Boroughs postal board, to handle 27 of the 33 London Boroughs mail services.
The contract will cover the collection, delivery and sortation of all business mail including council tax communications, parcels and special delivery items as well as bulk mail postings.
Terry Brewer, Divisional Director Commercial, Contracts and Procurement from London Borough of Harrow and Chair of the London Postal Services Board, said: “The participating London Boroughs are delighted with the results of the tender process which has seen Royal Mail being awarded the contract again. We look forward to working with Royal Mail to achieve further savings and efficiencies and receive a quality service.”