GCC postal working group discusses impact of UPU's new postal regulations and GATT
A Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) postal working group, consisting of representatives from the postal authorities of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), are meeting in Dubai to discuss issues relating to UPU postal regulations and the impact of GATT on postal services in the region.
Chaired by Saudi Arabia and hosted by Emirates Post, the working group began a five-day meeting to review a host of issues pertaining to the streamlining of postal activities in the region, including amendments to the agreement between the UPU and the respective countries.
The group deliberated on the final charges between different countries in view of the new UPU regulations. They also discussed the impact of GATT on the international postal system of respective postal organizations.
A proposal to have joint participation in international stamp exhibitions under the banner of GCC Postal Group was discussed. The group suggested measures to put the proposal into practice in a bid to strengthen GCC countries’ participation in global philatelic events as a collective force.
“The GCC postal group meeting is the outcome of the 13th meeting of the GCC postal managements held in Bahrain in September 2002, where it was suggested that such a group be established, mainly to assess the impact of the new final charges between countries, following the endorsement of the new system at the Beijing UPU Congress in 1999,” said Assistant Director General, Emirates Post, Salem Al-Shaya.
The GCC Postal Working Group is committed to promoting cordial relationships between GCC countries and exchange of views in order to address issues of common concern. The meeting carries major significance in view of the GATT agreement and its impact on the international postal system. – (menareport.com)
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