Management changes at Omniva

Joona Saluveer is leaving Omniva and Ansi Arumeel will carry out the duties of the Chairman of the Management Board on a temporary basis until a new Chairman is appointed in the autumn.
In a statement sent to Post&Parcel today (30 May), Bo Henriksson, Chairman of Omniva’s Supervisory Board, said: ‘The Supervisory Board has dismissed Joona Saluveer from the position of the Chairman of the Management Board due to diverging visions as to the future strategy for the company.
“Common understanding and smooth collaboration, however, are very important now, since Omniva has ahead of it the management of several changes and the implementation of major projects in order to keep up with the rapid development of the sector.
“We would like to thank Joona for his contribution to the development of the company both as Chairman of the Management Board and in building up Omniva’s Lithuanian and Latvian subsidiaries previously.”