Pall-Ex launches “Nexus” system

Pall-Ex has launched a new system called Nexus, which it says will “streamline cross-partner communication and traceability, acting as a bridge between all domestic transport management systems across Europe”.
In a statement sent to Post&Parcel today (4 July), Kevin Buchanan, Group managing director, said: “The need to develop innovative, advanced technological solutions to meet increasing customer expectations and allow for effective cross-border consignments whilst maintaining an element of simplicity for users is the real driving-force behind the development of Nexus.
“We are delighted to be launching a first for the industry, with the ability to offer real-time, drilled down tracking on cross-border consignments; something that has previously stunted the triumph of a true pan-European offering for any network within our industry.
“The enhanced booking process reduces the risk of human error and the back-and-forth for correct information, particularly when it comes to addresses for consignments destined outside of the UK; with a comprehensive European address book integrated into the system, along with a requirement for all export and import information to be submitted upon booking.
“The creation of Nexus allows us to meet the current demands of our network, but also allows us to future-proof Pall-Ex and strengthen our IT infrastructure so we can adapt to changing needs as necessary and continue our International expansion.”