FedEx Express maintains status as market leader
FedEx Express maintained its status as the undisputed market leader in the express services air export market, claiming 37.5% of the market in 2000, according to The Colography Group. FedEx grew its air export traffic by 12.1% in that year. United Parcel Service increased its air export traffic in 2000 from the previous year by 8.5%, giving it 12.5% of the market. DHL is close behind with 12.2% of the U.S. air export market. The Postal Service had the fourth largest share of the U.S. air export market in 2000 with 5.8% of the market. Overall, 91.4 million shipments were exported in 2000, an increase of 5.6% from 1999. The Colography Group recently released its annual report tracking competitive trends in international air cargo activity, ‘lnternational Air Cargo Trends.’ For more information, call 678-385-2500.