Hermes upgrades Rugby hub in U.K. to handle bigger packages

European parcel carrier Hermes announced it has upgraded their Rugby, UK hub to handle larger packages that previously required manual handling.
The new system has two automatic and two manual infeeds which can handle bulky items up to 2m in length, 1.2m in width and weighing up to 50kg.
The system adds 4,000 parcels per hour to the capacity of the hub, now allowing Hermes to handle in excess of one million parcels per day.
Chris Barrett, head of engineering, facilities and estates at Hermes said: “This is one of the first systems in the UK to incorporate an auto-scanning and profiling functionality onto a high-speed carousel system.”
“Whether it is a curtain pole, ironing board or a set of golf clubs, the carousel is able to streamline the movement of all our bulky items, which will boost our productivity by over 30%. It will also improve the visibility and tracking of parcels, which is an obvious benefit for our clients.”