Amazon Air coming to Anchorage

Amazon Air will begin flights to Anchorage International Airport in Alaska on Thursday (27 June).
According to a tweet that Anchorage Airport published on its Twitter feed on 20 June, Amazon Air “will be utilizing the Airport’s Kulis Business Park, south of the East-West runways”.
Sources report that Amazon Air will be running daily services using its 767 freighter planes.
Anchorage Airport followed up its announcement about the Amazon Air service with further tweets.
Jim Szczesniak, Airport Manager, was quoted as saying: “This is the 2nd new airline we’ve welcomed to @ANCairport this quarter, and another business being added to the airport’s business park on the former Kulis Air National Guard Base,”
The airport added that: “Alaskans may notice their @amazon #Prime packages arriving a little sooner than normal.”
Finally, there was a little self-promotion: “@ANCairport is perfectly situated to support the movement of e-commerce goods between Asia and North America, and this new business fits with our strategy of maximizing @ANCairport’s potential for development.”
The airport’s reference to the “movement of good between Asia and North America” in its tweet has prompted some to speculate that this move might give Amazon a stepping stone from which to expand its presence in Asia in the future.