An Post: We’ve proven that zero carbon emission delivery.. is achievable

An Post’s CEO David McRedmond is calling on organisations to deliver a 100% Green Delivery Zone in Dublin.
An Post has attained zero carbon emission delivery status in a capital city following the addition of two electric delivery trucks -7.5 tonne Electric Trucks – Fuso eCanters to its Dublin fleet.
Now every An Post letter and parcel delivery in Dublin City Centre is emission free carried by 47 zero emission vehicles, avoiding 450 tonnes of CO2,.
Zero carbon emission delivery will be rolled out to Cork, Galway, Kilkenny, Limerick and Waterford by the end of 2020 benefiting the lives of another 700,000 people. The Company has already invested €7.5 million in its Electric Fleet of 212 Electric Vehicles and this number will exceed 900 within two years. All An Post’s electricity comes only from renewable resources.
An Post’s CEO David McRedmond said: “We’ve proven that zero carbon emission delivery in a capital city is achievable. If An Post can do this, delivering 100,000 parcels and letters to more than 70,000 premises daily in this area, there is no reason why other companies can’t. Let’s aim for a 100% Green Delivery Zone in Dublin.”
Kate Ruddock, Deputy Director, Friends of the Earth said, “We commend An Post for leading the way to become the first postal service in the world to attain zero carbon emission delivery status in a capital city. We also commend An Post for rolling-out their green delivery zone to other major cities and towns across Ireland whilst calling on other organisations to do the same benefitting the health and air quality of the country.”
Aligned with Project Ireland 2040’s vision of a low carbon economy, An Post has committed to eliminating 50% of carbon from all postal and delivery operations in Ireland by 2025, having brought forward the commitment from 2030 thus saving 20,000 tonnes of Carbon, and 100% by 2040. To achieve An Post’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions and for cleaner air quality in Irish cities, An Post will only acquire electric vehicles over the next two years.
David McRedmond, CEO, An Post concluded: “The Government has set out a climate action plan and we all need to respond: we’ve accelerated our commitment to reduce our carbon footprint by 50% from 2030 to 2025.”
“We’re going through a massive transformation from the old world of letters to the new world of e-commerce parcels, rebuilding our infrastructure for a profitable, sustainable business. We need to increase our fleet to deal with the volumes of parcels but we know we have to do this responsibly which is why we are committed to being the leader in electric vehicles. Over the next five years we will also substantially rebuild our estate of sorting offices and mail centres, and we will ensure the highest AAA standard to vastly reduce emissions.”