Internal Market: Commission acts to ensure seven Member States implement EU laws
The Commission has decided to refer the following Member States to the European Court of Justice over non-communication of national measures implementing certain Directives: the Czech Republic regarding Directives on recognition of dental and medical qualifications; Estonia regarding a Directive on postal services; Greece and Italy regarding the Accounting Modernisation Directive; Luxembourg and Sweden regarding a Directive on supplementary supervision of financial conglomerates; and Greece regarding a Directive on reorganisation and winding up of credit institutions. In addition, the Commission has decided, under Article 228 of the EC Treaty, to send further “reasoned opinions” to France, requesting it to comply immediately with a previous judgement of the Court on its non-implementation of the 2001 Copyright Directive, and to Luxembourg, requesting it to comply immediately with a previous Court judgement requiring it to implement EU law on legal protection of biotechnological inventions. If France and Luxembourg do not comply, the Commission can ultimately ask the Court to impose daily fines.
Postal services: Estonia
The Commission has decided to refer Estonia to the European Court of Justice following its failure to notify to the Commission national legislation transposing the provisions of Directive 2002/39/EC, which amends Directive 97/67/EC with regard to the further opening to competition of EU postal services.