ANC loses franchise revenue
Parcels carrier ANC’s income from franchises fell 85.9% in the year ended 31 March 05 to just £75,000, down from £619,000 the year before. The company reported a 6.3% increase in turnover to 125.8m and pre-tax profit rose 13.3% to £2.6m. It has also made a loss on disposing its In-Boot business which it acquired in 1997.
Staff costs, including the 9 directors, rose 5.2% to 27.2m, compared with £25.8m in 2004. The average monthly number of people employed by ANC rose by 60, or 5.3% to 1,186 in 2005, mostly in operational and six in admin and management.
Director Jim Hawkins ways: ‘We consider the future prospects of the company to be satisfactory.’ ANC, the winner of this year’s MT Customer Care Award, has 85 collection and delivery depots across the country. It handles around 125,000 pieces of freight each night.
Year ended 03/05 03/04 change
Turnover (£000) 125,826 118,388 +6.3%
Operating profit 3,318 2,913 +13.9%
Pre-tax profit 2,594 2,291 +1.2%