Indonesian Postal Authority Extends Email Access to Remote Population with Critical Path’s Memova Messaging
Critical Path, Inc. a leading provider of messaging software and services, today announced that PT Pos Indonesia, the state-owned Postal Authority of Indonesia, has deployed Memova Messaging to provide email services to consumers and businesses throughout Indonesia. Aimed at decreasing the digital divide, the new email services can be accessed from any Indonesian post office.
In Indonesia, a significant portion of the population does not currently have Internet or email access in the home or workplace. As a result, the Indonesian Postal Authority and DEKOPIN, the Indonesia Cooperative Council, are working together to bring information and communications technology to Indonesians in remote areas in an effort to increase commerce and business opportunities throughout the country. Critical Path’s Memova Messaging platform is being used to power the new email services, which are accessible through the DEKOPIN e-commerce portal jointly provided by PT Pos Indonesia and DEKOPIN. Indonesians can check email and conduct online commerce through the portal at any post office or via the Internet. Critical Path, Inc. a leading provider of messaging software and services, today announced that PT Pos Indonesia, the state-owned Postal Authority of Indonesia, has deployed Memova Messaging to provide email services to consumers and businesses throughout Indonesia. Aimed at decreasing the digital divide, the new email services can be accessed from any Indonesian post office.
In Indonesia, a significant portion of the population does not currently have Internet or email access in the home or workplace. As a result, the Indonesian Postal Authority and DEKOPIN, the Indonesia Cooperative Council, are working together to bring information and communications technology to Indonesians in remote areas in an effort to increase commerce and business opportunities throughout the country. Critical Path’s Memova Messaging platform is being used to power the new email services, which are accessible through the DEKOPIN e-commerce portal jointly provided by PT Pos Indonesia and DEKOPIN. Indonesians can check email and conduct online commerce through the portal at any post office or via the Internet.
“We are very happy that Critical Path and DEKOPIN are helping us bring email services to more Indonesian consumers,” said San Herib, Director of Communication Business, PT Pos Indonesia. “Email is a very important communications tool that every Indonesian should be able to access, and we are pleased to be a part of this important endeavor.”
“We are excited about the new email services we are rolling out with the Indonesia Postal Authority,” said Adi Sasono, Chairman, DEKOPIN. “We selected Critical Path’s Memova Messaging platform because of its proven ability to provide reliable email services to millions of users. We are confident that the platform is an excellent technology choice for this significant, nationwide email deployment.”
Critical Path’s Memova Messaging platform is used by service providers throughout the world, frequently powering large-scale deployments with millions of users.
“We’re pleased that PT Pos Indonesia and DEKOPIN have selected Memova Messaging,” said Desra Ghazfan, Director, Southeast Asia, Critical Path. “We look forward to working with both of these organizations to extend the use of email and promote greater communication and commerce throughout Indonesia.”
About PT Pos Indonesia
PT Pos Indonesia, founded September 27, 1945, is a state-owned enterprise and the Postal Authority of Indonesia, managed by Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MIC). With recent advancement and changes in the Postal industry, and modern businesses in general, PT Pos has transformed its business into Financial, Logistic, and Communication. PT Pos Indonesia business in communication sector includes eCommerce, ISP, and several other modern IT-based Postal products.
With 3,551 post offices, Pos Indonesia serves in all cities, districts and in more than 50% of villages around the country. About 2,385 post offices are online by using dedicated, dial-up networks, GPRS and CDMA. Pos Indonesia also conducts Public Services Obligation for Indonesian. Covering the digital divide in rural areas, MIC assigned Pos Indonesia to be a CAP (Community Access Point) operator and now (2007) there are 63 CAPs at post offices around the country. For more information about PT Pos Indonesia, see http://www.posindonesia.co.id
DEKOPIN (Dewan Koperasi Indonesia – Indonesia Cooperative Council), based on the Parliamentary Act No. 25 Year 1992 and Presidential Decree No. 24 Year 1999, is the single highest organization in Indonesia embodying and fighting for the aspirations of co-operatives’ movements in achieving its goals in accordance to the principles of cooperatives. This representative body is an umbrella organization for over 130,000 cooperatives and over 30,000,000 members throughout Indonesia. For more information about DEKOPIN, see www.dekopin.coop
About Critical Path, Inc.
Critical Path's Memova® solutions provide a new and improved email experience for millions of consumers worldwide, helping mobile operators, broadband and fixed-line service providers unlock the potential of email in the mass market. Memova® Mobile gives consumers instant, on-the-go access to the messages that matter most. Featuring industry-leading anti-spam and anti-virus technology, Memova® Anti-Abuse protects consumers against viruses and spam. Memova® Messaging provides consumers with a rich email experience, enabling service providers to develop customized offerings for high-speed subscribers. With offices around the globe, Critical Path's solutions have been deployed by more than 200 service providers throughout the world, including Vodafone, Telecom Italia, O2, Telefónica Móviles, Tiscali, SFR, Indosat, WIND and ONO. More information is available at www.criticalpath.net.
Forward-Looking Statements:
This press release contains forward-looking statements by Critical Path and its executives regarding the performance of our product and service offerings, the availability of our customer's products and services which include our offerings, industry trends, the ability of our products and services to meet the business needs of our customers, and the market for products and services like ours. The words and expressions "look forward to," "will," "expect," "plan," "believe," "seek," "strive for," "anticipate," "hope," "estimate" and similar expressions are intended to identify the Company's forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. These risks include, but are not limited to, the emerging and changing nature of the market for our products and services, and the ability of our technology to address customer demands. The Company makes no commitment to revise or update any forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or circumstances after the date any such statement is made.
Critical Path, Inc.
Nikki Gore, +1-647-428-5822
Amy Mills, + 44 20 7395 7186
PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
E-Business Project
James M. Purba, +62 21 3457251
Reina Natamihardja, +62 21 520 6525