Switzerland: Who will benefit from the Liberalisation of the postal sector?
In an interview by La Poste Magazine, regarding the future law on the liberalization of the postal sector, Ulrich Gygi, Head of Swiss Post mentioned that liberalization would be beneficial to commercial clients, whereas private customers could benefit from competition from a qualitative point of view but not necessarily through a reduction of prices.
Furthermore, a study ordered by the Swiss department for the environment, transport , energy and communication, entitled “ Consequences of the of the liberalization of the postal sector in 2011″ mentioned that only a decrease in wages could lead to price reduction…
The interview of Ulrich Gygi may be found at: http://cms.itsposta.ch/VPS/fr/06_08/
More information on the liberalisation of the postal market in Switzerlan on : http://www.uvek.admin.ch/dokumentation/00655/00895/01458/index.html?lang=fr